Current education programme available now. Click the image below for further information about courses on offer.
Industry Leaders
As leaders in the hair colour and styling products industry, Affinage Professional is committed to ensuring Australia's ambitious hair stylists are kept up to date with the latest in hair colours and styling techniques.
Education Seminars
In our range of education seminars, learn the basic science of hair, how colour works and create a deep understanding of the Affinage Professional Colour Portfolio.
In 2024, we have broken down the education seminars into three different types.
- Professional: Empower yourself to create the perfect total look and in-salon experience for your clients with our all-inclusive service seminars.
- Foundation: Join our inspiring how-to workshops and learn from our trade secrets.
- Discover: Short and sweet, sessions packed full of product knowledge, skills and techniques.
In Hair Colour & Styling Techniques
Become a sought after hair colourist and stylist by keeping your skills up to date with the latest in hair colour and styling techniques.
Affinage Professional prides itself by providing an annual education programme that ensures you are applying trending styles to your clients while also getting the most from the range of Affinage Professional hair colour and styling products.
Learn everything from Blonde Correction, Balayage Fundamentals, Foiling Fundamentals and an advanced seminar on new Foiling Techniques.
Business Education
In 2024, we have introduced seminars for the salon owner who wants to stay ahead of the competition.
Feel inspired to grow your business through the power of social media using tools such as Instagram and Facebook.
If you're looking at opening your own salon, we will teach you the secrets of building your business without spending any more than you already do.
Contact Us
If you'd like to arrange for an education seminar, please contact us via phone on 07 3823 4566, via email at or complete a Contact form and one of our highly experienced Technical Educators will be in touch.
Feel free to download a copy of the Education Programme 2024 or view here.